Elite Riders

Alex Forte Howell (She/Her)
Team Manager
Hometown: Originally from Easton, CT Alex now resides in Frederick, MD with her husband, adventure dog and dirty kittens.
Disciplines: Gravel, Cyclocross, MTB, Road

Sarah "Rah" Williams (She/Her)
Assistant Team Manager
Hometown: Rah lives in Grand Rapids, MI with her husband, son, dog, cat and huge extended family.
Disciplines: Gravel, Cyclocross, Road, MTB

Kari Hutson (She/Her)
Hometown: Kari hails from Columbus, Ohio where she lives with her husband, two dogs and cat.
Disciplines: Endurance, Gravel, Cyclocross, MTB

Shannon Holden (She/ Her)
Hometown: Shannon resides in Spokane, WA with her husband and four children.
Disciplines: Enduro, Cyclocross, MTB, Gravel

Valerie Hyrman (She/Her)
Hometown: Val lives in Traverse City, MI with her boyfriend, the sweetest kitty, and her extended family.
Disciplines: Cyclocross, Road, Gravel, MTB
Grassroots Riders

Paulette Trinh (She/Her)
Hometown: Paulette comes to us from beautiful San Francisco, CA.
Disciplines: Cyclocross and MTB

Sarah Garrett (She/Her)
Hometown: Sarah G lives in Jenison, MI with her hubby and two kiddos.
Disciplines: Cyclocross, Gravel, Road

Julie Woodburn (She/They)
Hometown: Living in La Plata, MD Julie is the youngest of three and the adventurer of her family.
Disciplines: Cyclocross and Gravel

Molly Tiesma (She/Her)
Hometown: Molly resides in Grand Rapids, MI along with her parents, siblings and Bilbo (her bunny!)
Disciplines: Endurance, Gravel, MTB

Ashley Fruhwirth (She/Her)
Hometown: Ashley, our Queen of Stoke comes to us from Sacramento, CA.
Disciplines: Cyclocross, Gravel, Tracklocross, Road

Ellie Sterne (She/Her)
Hometown: Originally an East Coaster and OG member, Ellie now lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband, dog and cat.
Disciplines: Gravel, Cyclocross, Road, MTB
Guest Riders

Amanda Headlee (She/Her)
Hometown: Apollo, PA
Discipline: Gravel, Road, Duathlon

Rachael Worlee (She/Her)
Hometown: Davidson, NC
Discipline: Endurance, Gravel, Cyclocross

Ivy Pederson (She/Her)
Hometown: Currently lives in Fruita, CO
Discipline: Gravel, Cyclocross, MTB

Callista Phillips (She/Her)
Hometown: Gainesville, FL now residing in Frederick, MD but spends a great deal of time traveling.
Discipline: Bikepacking, Gravel, Road, MTB

Kristy Roz (She/Her)
Hometown: Resides in Frederick, MD with her adventure dog and meows
Discipline: Gravel, Road, MTB
Junior Guest Riders

Discipline: Gravel & MTB

Disciplines: Gravel & MTB

Disciplines: Gravel & MTB
Show us your kitties 😈

😻 Snowy
Loves: toys, boxes, hair ties, chasing bugs, hiding in the laundry basket, going for walks, and cuddling
Hates: being trapped inside when her sister gets to go outside and if you try to throw a box away
Personal chef & servant: Alex

Loves: boxes, treats, pets, and playing outside.
Hates: when her sister Snowy tries to play with her
Personal chef & servant: Alex

😸 Olive
Loves: food, sitting/lounging/prowling on the screened porch, food, cleaning her humans, food, scritches of any kind, food, and scouring the cabinets for any food the humans haven't secured like Fort Knox
Hates: the screened porch being too cold for sitting, discovering the humans have secured the cabinets like Fort Knox (rude)
Personal chef & servant: Rah

🐱 Wednesday
Loves: bird watching, belly rubs, and grooming her dogs.
Hates:: ceiling fans
Personal chef & servant: Kari

😻 Beow
Loves: her shark stuffed animal and eating plastic bags
Hates: dogs
Personal chef & servant: Ashley

😈 Zoom!
Loves: pooping right when her dad sits down to eat dinner and annoying her best friend Beo
Hates: the printer, the vacuum, and Kevin’s mom for some weird reason (she’s like the nicest lady ever)
Personal chef & servant: Ashley

😽 Georgia
Lives for: Lil Soups, and loves elaborate cat forts, lap snuggles, and watching squirrels.
Hates: the vacuum, too many people in the house, and being home alone
Personal chef & servant: Val

😼 Baby
Loves: Pulling to cute card to get exactly what she wants, Naps
Hates: Not getting what she wants
Personal chef & servant: Kristy

🐯 Neff
Loves: loves treats more than anything, being outside, his green dog toy, sitting in the rain, and aggressively sniffing everything and everyone
Hates: the roomba, getting his nails trimmed, and cars
Personal chef & servant: Rachael

🦁 Caleb
Loves: TREAT! BALL! SQUIRREL!! rubbing his pheromones on all the furniture
Hates: water & puppies
Personal chef & servant: Paulette

😎 Oskar
Loves: cuddles, frizbies, snacks, sniffing butts
Hates: broccoli, horses, cats…oh, wait I mean catamarans Oskar hates catamarans yep 😬
Personal chef & servant: Julie

🐰 Bilbo
Loves: bananas and snuggles and antagonizing my roommate's cats
Hates: the end of snuggle time (seriously he just wants to be held always)
Personal chef & servant: Molly

🐶 Pacha
Loves: snacks (anything really), mtb rides in the woods, walks, and cuddles
Hates: being left home alone
Personal chef & servant: Alex