Trek CX Cup: UCI C1 (10/7/22) - by Sarah "Rah" Williams

"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is" - German Proverb.
Fear definitely reared its head last week while I prepared to line up for the Friday UCI C1 race at Trek. Knowing that I had the support of my teamies, and specifically Alex in the race with me, kept me from backing out.
I had so many reasons on repeat in my brain telling me not to try: 3 months out from a concussion, fitness nowhere near where I want it to be from recovery, a general sense of imposter syndrome I always struggle to shake, and many others. BUT. I also had Alex (and others) reminding me that there will never be the perfect time to jump in; life always throws curve balls. Do it anyway!
I'm glad I did.
Even though I got caught up behind a crash and its aftermath on the second sweeping corner, I never gave up. I pushed myself to keep going. I stayed calm (ish ) and tried to regroup the best I could. I learned a LOT that I can apply to my next UCI race. I survived pushing through that fear of jumping into my first one. And now I can't wait for more! Don't let the wolf grow too big.
Photos by Bruce Buckley