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DKWTS 5.0 Kitten Crusher Tour 3: Stage 3 Challenge Info

Updated: 57 minutes ago

Tour 3: Kitten Crusher - ELEVATION CHALLENGE (Feb 17 - MARCH 9, 2025)
Tour 3: Kitten Crusher - ELEVATION CHALLENGE (Feb 17 - MARCH 9, 2025)

Bring It On, 2025!


DKWTS 5.0 will be made up of “Tours” (main challenges) each consisting of multiple "Stages” (smaller challenges) plus a few “Bonus” stages to equal a total of 9 weeks. Tours will be scored by overall metrics (such as time, distance, and elevation). Stages and Bonus challenges may be scored using other data. Participants will be awarded “Purrito Points” for the challenges and activities they complete. There are a variety of ways to score Purrito Points during the series. Some are participation-based (P) and others are competition-based (C) and will be ranked. But remember: All rides count. The more Purrito Points you get, the more chances you have to WIN prizes! 

Tour 1: Resolution Kitten - TIME CHALLENGE (January 6-26, 2025)



Category (P/C)

Ride Bonus

Photo Bonus

Stage 1 (1/6-1/12)

Ride at least 5 days this week - minimum 45 minutes each day (does not have to be consecutive)


Participation - anyone who completes this challenge will receive full points (5 pts total) 

Partial credit will be awarded.

5 days - 5 pts 

4 days - 4pts 

3 days - 3 pts 

2 days - 2 pts 

1 day - 1 pt

Choose one:

1. Virtual - Zwift Club Ride (must participate for at least 45 min)

2. Real Life - Complete a ride (inside or out) for at least 45 min on the same day as a DK Zwift Club rides this week (M/T/Th/Fr)*

*Use #DKWTS in your ride title


Tell us about your 2025 Goals and 

include photos! 

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with your 2025 ride goals, tag @dirtykittengravel

and use #DKWTS2025

2. Email us a photo with your 2025 ride goals DKWTS@


Stage 2 (1/13-1/19)

Complete 1 ride day that’s 25% longer (by time) than your longest ride day last week. For example, if your longest day last week was 1 hour (60 minutes) then your longest day this week should be 1:15 hours (75 minutes) to complete the challenge. Multiple rides in a single day will be combined.


Participation - anyone who completes this challenge will receive full points (5 pts total) 

Partial credit will be awarded.

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate for at least 1 hour)

2. Real Life - Complete a ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour on the same day as a DK Zwift Club ride this week (Mon-Fri)*

*Use #DKWTS in your ride title


Tell us about your favorite winter non-cycling activity 

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG showing your activity and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #winteractivity

2. Email us a photo and describe your winter activity DKWTS@



Complete a non-cycling/cross-training activity at some point this week (Mon-Sun) and load it to Strava (sync or manual) or the DKWTS website - 

*Use #DKWTS in your activity title




Category (P/C)

Ride Bonus

Photo Bonus

Stage 3 (1/20-1/26)

3 Day Ride Challenge! 

Total ride time for your 3 longest days this week 

Example: If you ride 5 days this week, your 3 longest days will be added together to get a cumulative 3-Day Ride Time



Top 10 in each category will receive points 

(15 points max)

*Participation credit will be awarded to anyone who rides at least 3 days this week

Evening Ride (5pm~)

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in an evening* ride for at least 1 hour)

2. Real Life - Complete an evening* ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 

*EVENING RIDE = must start after 5pm


Tell us something about riding your bike that brings you joy 💜

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #bikejoy

2. Email us a photo with your bike joy story DKWTS@


Tour 2: Adventure Kitten - DISTANCE CHALLENGE (Jan 27-Feb 16 2025)



Category (P/C)

Ride Bonus

Photo Bonus

Stage 1 (1/27-2/2)

Ride at least 5 days this week - total ride mileage for each day must end in a 4 or a 9 (rounded down to the whole mile). 

For example: 

9 miles, 14 miles, 29.2 miles, 34.8 miles, 49.1 miles, etc.


Participation - anyone who completes this challenge will receive full points (5 pts total) 

Partial credit will be awarded for riding less than 5 days 

Morning Ride (~11am)

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a morning* ride for at least 1 hour)

2. Real Life - Complete a morning* ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 

*MORNING RIDE = must start before 11am


Ride Find: Share something interesting you saw or found on a bike ride

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #ridefind

2. Email us a photo with your ride find story to DKWTS@


Stage 2 (2/3-2/9)

3 Day Ride Challenge! 

Total ride distance for your 3 longest days this week 

For example: If you ride 5 days this week, your 3 longest days will be added together to get your cumulative 3-Day Ride Distance



Top 10 in each category will receive points 

(15 points max)

*Participation credit will be awarded to anyone who rides at least 3 days this week

Mon/Wed/Fri Ride

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a M/W/F* ride this week for at least 1 hour)

2. Real Life - Complete a M/W/F* ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour this week

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 

*M/W/F Ride = Monday, Wednesday OR Friday ride


Unique Cycling Apparel: Share a unique or interesting piece of cycling apparel you own


Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #cyclingapparel

2. Email us a photo with your unique apparel to DKWTS@



Complete a NEW cross-training/non-bike related activity this week (Mon-Sun) that you have NOT done yet during the series (since January 6, 2025). You can load it on Strava or manually onto the leaderboard website. POINTS: 2

*Use #DKWTS in your activity title



Category (P/C)

Ride Bonus

Photo Bonus

Stage 3 (2/10-2/16)

1.Most miles in a single day (C)

Most miles ridden in a single day (multiple rides will be combined)

2.Total Weekly Avg Ride Distance (P)

Complete a total ride distance this week exceeding your avg weekly distance for the series

                                 POINTS: 20

Competitive & Participation -

1.Top 10 in each category will receive points 

(10 points max)

2.Anyone who completes this challenge will receive points (10 pts total) 

*You can do one or both of the challenges this week

Tues/Thurs Ride

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a Tues/Thurs* ride this week for at least 1 hour)

2. Real Life - Complete a Tues/Thurs* ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour this week

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 

*Tues/Thurs Ride = Tuesday OR  Thursday ride


Ride Soundtrack - Share one of your favorite ride songs 

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #ridesong

2. Email us a photo with your ride song info DKWTS@

                                                                        POINTS: 5

Tour 3: Kitten Crusher - ELEVATION CHALLENGE (Feb 17 - March 9, 2025)

Kitten Crusher Tour Overall Elevation Challenge
A competitive 3-week elevation challenge for the Kitten Crusher Tour.
Ranking is based on total elevation ridden during the entire Tour.



Category (P/C)

Ride Bonus

Photo Bonus

Stage 1 (2/17-2/23)

Progressive Elevation Challenge 

Ride 5 days this week with a minimum 500 ft of elevation each day, BUT every day must be more elevation than the previous one

For example: 

Day 1 - 500 ft

Day 2 - 550 ft

Day 3 - 600 ft

Day 4 - 650 ft

Day 5 - 700 ft


Participation - anyone who completes this challenge will receive full points 

Partial credit will be awarded for 3 or 4 days as long as the elevation challenge is met. 

Weekend Ride 

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a Weekend* ride for at least 1 hour

2. Real Life - Complete a Weekend* ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour 

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 

*Weekend Ride = Sat OR Sun ride


Ride Pals: Tell us about your ride buddies

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #lovemyridepals

2. Email us a photo of you and your ride pals to DKWTS@


Stage 2 (2/24-3/2)

Single Day Elevation Challenge.

Most elevation ridden in a single day (multiple rides in the same day will be combined)


Competitive -

Top 10 in each category will receive points 

(10 points max)

Ride the same time of day as a DK Club Ride (either AM or PM) 

AM = before 12pm

PM = after 12pm

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a ride for at least 1 hour

2. Real Life - Complete a ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour 

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 


Ride Treats: Tell us about your favorite ride treats or snacks!

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #myfavridetreats

2. Email us a photo of you and your ride pals to DKWTS@


Stage 3 (3/3-3/9)

3-Day Elevation Challenge! 

Total ride elevation for your 3 biggest climbing days this week 

For example: If you ride 5 days this week, your 3 biggest elevation days will be added together to get your cumulative 3-Day Ride Elevation



Top 10 in each category will receive points 

(20 points max)


Partial credit will be awarded to anyone who rides over 500 ft at least 3 days this week

Ride the same time as a DK Club Ride this week (Mon-Fri & Sunday)

Choose one:

1. Virtual - DK Zwift Club Ride (must participate in a ride for at least 1 hour

2. Real Life - Complete a ride (inside/outside) for at least 1 hour that overlaps with one of our DK Club Rides (Mon-Fri,Sun)

Add #DKWTS to your ride title 


Good Vibes: Share something positive that has happened during DKWTS (it doesn’t have to be bike-related)

Choose one:

1. Social Media - Post a photo on FB/IG with a caption and tag @dirtykittengravel

use #DKWTS2025 #goodvibesgoodtimes

2. Email us a Good Vibes Good Times photo with a caption to DKWTS@



DKWTS Shout-Out: Post a comment on social media or send us an email giving a “shout out” or “kudos” to someone else in the winter training series who has been crushing it and deserves recognition. If posting on social media, use #DKWTS2025 and #keepridingdirty


DK Zwift Club Ride Schedule

If you have an indoor trainer, stationary bike, Peloton, or just want to hang with other DKWTS participants virtually, join our DirtyKittenGravel Zwift Club & Discord Channel to ride and chat with our Ride Dirty Community throughout the series.

We will have official DKWTS virtual club & group rides during the week, as well as some IRL (real life) rides and other activities happening throughout the series.

Join us this week for virtual, indoor rides on Zwift & Discord (or your own program)! Click the links below to RSVP for a ride:

*If you want to host a group ride, let us know! We ask that it doesn't directly conflict with a DWKTS event, it is safe, and the ride is inclusive for all participants.

DKWTS Sponsors & Partners

Various prizes & giveaways will be awarded during the series based on Purrito Points and at random. Prizes include Dirty Kitten merchandise items, sponsor giveaways, partner event entries, and more! Additional prizes options be announced throughout the series.

Industry Partners:

*Complete our Wahoo Partnership Survey HERE to receive discounts on products

Event Partners:




Weekly DKWTS Livestream - Sundays 7pm ET

Tune in for DKWTS Q&A, updates, leaderboard info, and general shenanigans.

Follow along on our "Ride Dirty" YouTube Channel or Facebook page. If you miss the livestream, you can always watch or listen to the replay.

Watch this week's recap HERE.

This week's event entry giveaways are all West Virginia/Virginia gravel events:

GRUSK (Gravel Ride Up Spruce Knob)

Spruce Knob, WV - July 12, 2025

GRUSK is an adventure-cycling ride on and around the highest peak in West Virginia: Spruce Knob! The ride travels gravel and dirt roads through some of the most beautiful mountain scenery in the East. The road conditions on course will vary from pavement, to smooth dirt, to chunky gravel, to unmaintained, double-track forest roads. This ride is a true challenge for the adventurous spirit within every cyclist and one you don't want to miss

Rapidan, VA - July 25-27, 2025

The Dirty Kitten Gravel Race is an adventure gravel race on private farm roads in Rapidan, VA. The DKGR course is 100% unpaved with the majority of the terrain being secluded gravel farm roads, as well as some dirt/grass double-track sections.

Hardy County, WV - August 16, 2025

The Lost River Classic presented by the Lost River Trails Coalition is a gravel race to support the development of multi-use and mountain biking trails in Lost River State Park, Hardy County, West Virginia. Proceeds from the event are split between LRTC’s general funds for trail maintenance/small projects and the Cryptids, Hardy County’s NICA youth mountain bike team. This event is inspired by Jay Moglia, the founder of Raw Talent Ranch (RTR) and the first President of the Lost River Trails Coalition.

March 9, 2025 @ 10am
Frederick, MD
Info & Sign-up HERE
Info & Sign-up HERE


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